Moon-Ho Jung (he/him)

Harry Bridges Endowed Chair in Labor Studies
Jung Photo

Contact Information

SMI 112A
Office Hours
By appointment only. Please email <>.


Ph.D. Cornell University, 2000


Courses Taught

Graduate Study Areas

Division: United States

The field of Asian American history encompasses a broad range of topics and methodologies that often cross disciplinary and geopolitical boundaries. Students pursuing this field are expected to read widely and critically, with an emphasis on historiographical shifts and debates. In particular, they will investigate how the field has evolved over time and challenged and reproduced traditional narratives of U.S. history. Students are also encouraged to converse with a vibrant community of faculty and graduate students specializing in Asian American Studies at UW.

Division: Comparative History (Comparative Ethnicity & Nationalism)

Students will explore how race and nation have been articulated in U.S. history, framed theoretically and globally. Students may choose to emphasize particular time periods, theoretical approaches, and geopolitical frameworks as they study how racial concepts, representations, and practices shaped American national identities. Possible topics of concentration include whiteness, imperialism, labor migration, and transnational social movements.


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