BlackPast.org is a 10,000-page online reference guide focused on African American history in the United States and on the history of the more than one billion people of African ancestry around the world. Founded by Professor Emeritus Quintard Taylor, the site includes a encyclopedia of over 4,000 entries; the complete transcripts of more than 300 speeches by African Americans, other people of African ancestry, and those concerned about race, given between 1789 and 2016; over 140 full text primary documents, bibliographies; timelines and six gateway pages with links to digital archive collections, African and African American museums and research centers, genealogical research websites; and more than 200 other website resources on African American and global African history. Dozens of UW students as well as other scholars have contributed to the project.

Racial Restrictive Covenants - Washington State
The Racial Restrictive Covenants Project involves teams of researchers at the University of Washington and Eastern Washington University. Authorized by the Washington legislature under HB 1335 (May 2021), this project is charged with identifying and mapping neighborhoods marked by racist deed provisions and restrictive covenants. With more than 50,000 restricted properties identified so far, the project provided the research for the newly enacted Covenant Homeownership Account Act that will compensate victims of restrictive covenants. Here you will find maps and data for each county, one set showing restricted properties, another set showing patterns of segregation/ desegregation for each decade from 1960-2020, a third displaying homeownership rates by race 1960—2020.

Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium
The Civil Rights & Labor History Consortium brings together 14 online projects with more than 1,200 separate pages - featuring articles, video oral histories, maps, and thousands of photos and documents. Based in the Department of History and directed by Professor James N. Gregory, the consortium is also supported by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, the Walter Simpson Humanities Center, the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest. The projects have been profiled in the Chronicle of Higher Education and History Matters: A Student Guide to U.S. History Online. They are often quoted in scholarly studies and major newspapers and used in numerous classes at the university and K-12 levels. They have recorded more than 15 million page views.

Mapping American Social Movements Through the 20th Century
This project produces and displays free interactive maps showing the historical geography of dozens of social movements that have influenced American life and politics since the late 19th century, including radical movements, civil rights movements, labor movements, women's movements, and more. The Mapping project allows us to see where social movements were active and where not, helping us better understand patterns of influence and endurance. Included are more than 120 interactive maps, charts, and data tables.