Three History Faculty Members to Receive Awards of Excellence

Submitted by Arts & Sciences Web Team on
2014 Award of Excellence recipients

The Department of History is extremely proud to announce that three of our faculty have been honored with Awards of Excellence in 2014. Congratulations to Moon-Ho Jung, recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award, to Margaret O'Mara, the inaugural recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology, and to Jon Bridgman, recipient of the Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award.

Distinguished Teaching Awardees are chosen based on a variety of criteria including mastery of the subject matter, ability to engage students both within and outside of the classroom, and innovations in course and curriculum design. The Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology, created in 2013 by the Office of the Provost, recognizes a current faculty member for improving student learning or engagement through an approach that leverages technology. The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor bestowed upon UW Alumni Association members and volunteers.

Professors Jung, O'Mara, and Bridgman and other winners will be honored 3:30-4:30 p.m. June 12 at a ceremony in Meany Hall for the campus and general public.

