Devin Short - Bibliograph: A Python package for visualizing & analyzing bibliographic data
Bibliograph is a set of tools for the production, analysis, and visualization of citation graphs. The package is in early development by PhD Candidate Devin Short as part of his dissertation on the history of climate modeling. Bibliograph is designed to take a BibTex or CSV file with data for a core set of sources and assist in the construction of a citation graph around those sources. Currently the code enables automatic acquisition of bibliographic data for scientific journal articles through the NASA/ADS citation index and provides functions to read and write plain text data in a format that facilitates fast manual data entry for sources that are not indexed. Bibliograph is built on pandas and relies on NetworkX for network analysis and export functions so data can be visualized with tools like Gephi or Cytoscape. The code is available here.

Emma Hinchliffe - A Digital Examination of Hampton Court
As part of her final thesis work on Hentry VIII and the origins of English cosmpolitanism, Emma Hinchliffe has been capturing 360-degree images of Hampton Court Palace. She will be overlaying these with links that to images and descriptions of the items demostrating the cosmopolitan nature of Henry's court.

Taylor Soja - Humanistic Perspectives on Global Health Partnerships in Africa and Beyond
History graduate student and DH fellow Taylor Soja provided the web know-how for a major interdisciplinary faculty project, co-led by history professor Lynn Thomas, and supported by the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities. The project, Humanistic Perspectives on Global Health Partnerships in Africa and Beyond, and brought together about 20 UW faculty from different disciplines to discuss the theme of "partnership". For this project, technology was key to fostering cooperation and dialogue. Among other things, Taylor's website provided the participants a place to share info about the project's events, to house resources and readings, and to do collaborative blogging.
Kirk Sharma and Jorge Bayona - Speculation Theater Podcast
Graduate students Kirk Sharma and Jorge Bayona have created a website and podcast that brings in specialists to discuss important historical events and ask the question, "what if?" Their project draws on the oft-disparaged concept of "counter-factualism" in order to examine historical events from new perspectives and determine whether different outcomes might have been possible with a change of circumstances and what those outcomes might have been. Kirk Sharma studies Russian political, social, and diplomatic history; Jorge Bayona specializes in Southeast Asian history.
Josue Estrada - Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project: Video Oral History
In this project I was responsible for creating five video oral history interviews for the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. Each interview is accompanied by a web page, outlining that individual's contributions to the Chicano/a Movement in Washington State. The work involved the use of video production and editing tools, as well as Dreamweaver content management and web authoring software.
Eric Johnson - Mapping Kazan
My project explored the demographics and built environment of the Russian city of Kazan in the early nineteenth century. It drew on historical maps, property tax records from 1815-1818, and open-source mapping software to construct a dynamic 3D map of the city, in which social, economic, religious and gender patterns can be overlaid onto the city's physical spaces in any desired combination. This allow the historian to separate illusions from realities regarding confessional, social and gender divisions in Kazan in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, and to better understand how these divisions (both actual and conceptual) affected city life. (This work has since evolved into the 19th c. Kazan Project)