
COVID-19 Resources

In order to ensure a safe return to Smith Hall (when the time comes), the Department of History has prepared the following approved set of operational procedures and personal practices to prevent the spread of the virus. All department faculty and staff are required to be familiar with this plan and adhere to its policies. 

History Department COVID-19 Workplace Prevention Plan (Summary) - updated 10/26/2020

History Department COVID-19 Workplace Prevention Plan (Complete)

Student Resources


Students can schedule advising appointments for questions, grad school or career counseling, for history major information, registration and planning, history major declaration, apply to graduate, and more. Walk-in advising is also generally available. 

Scholarships and Awards

Students can find information fellowships, scholarships, and prizes to help fund both graduate and undergraduate learning.

History Writing Center

The UW History Writing Center offers 30 minute individual appointments with the writing center director, an experienced instructor in the History Department. We invite students to use the Writing Center at any stage in the composition process, from brainstorming topics through multiple drafts of an essay. We encourage you to come to the writing center early in the process of working on your assignment. Students will actively engage in writing during the consultation.

College to Career

Undergraduates can find how becoming a history major can help get them a career, while History Majors can find resources to help build career skills and prepare for potential careers.

Diversity Resources and Committee

The goal of the History Department's Diversity Committee, is to create an ongoing conversation about creating and maintaining an environment of inclusivity in all of our classrooms, and making inclusion a central aspect of our wider departmental culture. This Committee is made up of two graduate students, two faculty, and two staff members. During the year faculty and graduate students on this committee hold department events on themes such as best practices for graduate and undergraduate mentoring and pedagogies that foster classroom inclusivity. The Committee also serves as a sounding board and resource for students, staff, and faculty who have concerns related to climate and diversity. Any member of the department's learning community may contact one or more members of the Committee with concerns at any time during the year. Inquiries will remain confidential. New! Collaborative Resource.

Technology Resources

The Department of History maintains a computer lab for its graduate students and undergraduate majors. The Department also maintains 6 laptops, 2 digital projectors, a digital SLR camera, a digital camcorder, and professional sound and light equipment for student use. Access to the labs and portable equipment is restricted to current History graduate students and declared undergraduate History majors. Logon credentials for the lab can be obainted by contacting the Undergraduate Advising Office or the History Graduate Office. To inquire about the portable equipment, please contact the Director of Technical Services. All equipment and software is funded through the Student Technology Fee.

Faculty & Staff Resources

Administrative Forms and Resources

History Department faculty, staff, and graduate student employees can find a number of forms to help them perform internal tasks.


