
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“Inherited Destinies: Discourses of Territorial Loss in Postcolonial States across the Pacific (Peru and the Philippines, 1903–1927).” Verge: Studies in Global Asias, vol. 3, no. 2, 2017, pp. 169–194. Publications, Articles
Liora R. Halperin, "Petah Tikva, 1886: Gender, Anonymity, and the Making of Zionist Memory," Jewish Social Studies, 23:1 (Fall 2017): 1-28 Publications, Articles
Lin Hongxuan, "English as an Islamic Cosmopolitan Vernacular: English-language Sufi Devotional Literature in Singapore," Southeast Asian Studies 6(3): 447-484. Articles
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella. "State-Society Relations in the Urban Spheres of Baghdad and Kirkuk, 1920-58." In Benjamin Isakhan, Shamiran Mako, and Fadi Dawood, eds., State and Society in Iraq: Citizenship Under Occupation, Dictatorship, and Democratization. London: I.B. Tauris, 2017. 50-68. Print. Publications, Articles
Letteney, Mark. 2016. “Toward a New Scribal Tendency: Reciprocal Corruptions and the Text of 1 Corinthians 8:2–3.” Journal of Biblical Literature 135 (2): 391.    Publications, Articles
Christopher Tounsel, "Khartoum Goliath: SPLM/SPLA Update and Martial Theology during the Second Sudanese Civil War" Journal of Africana Religions Vol. 4, No. 2 (2016): 129-153.   Publications, Articles
"A Remarkable Reversal: Communist Czechoslovakia's Reinstatement of Eastern Rite Catholicism during the Prague Spring," Journal of Church and State, vol. 58, no. 2, (Spring 2016): 331-354. Publications, Articles
D. Lascar et al., “Improvements to TITAN’s mass measurement and decay spectroscopycapabilities,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 376 (2016): 292-297. 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.12.026 Publications, Articles
Gregory. James. “Left Coast City: The History of a Political Reputation.” Pacific Northwest Quarterly (Spring 2016): 72-86. Publications, Articles
Gregory. James. “A History of Radicals in the Democratic Party.”  New Republic  (August 3, 2016). Publications, Articles
Lin Hongxuan, "Refutación de un popular ‘artículo’ sobre la historia de Singapur," trans. Jorge Bayona, Bitácora del Tornaviaje, March 28 2016.   Articles
“Lesbianism, Transvestitism, and the Nazi State: A Microhistory of a Gestapo Investigation, 1939-1943.” The American Historical Review 121:4 (2016): 1167-1195. Publications, Articles
“Majority and Minority Languages in the Middle East: The Case of Hebrew in Mandate Palestine,” in Minorities in the Arab World, ed. Laura Robson, (Syracuse University Press, 2016), 174-190. Publications, Articles
"To Secure Her Freedom: 'Dorcas ye blackmore': Race, Redemption, and the Dorchester First Church," in New England Quarterly 89.4 (Dec., 2016): 533-555. Publications, Articles
Christian Jesch et al., “The MR-TOF-MS isobar separator for the TITAN facility at TRIUMF,”Hyperfine Interactions 235 (2015): 97-106. 10.1007/s10751-015-1184-2 Publications, Articles
Wolfgang R Plaβ et al., “High-performance multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometersfor research with exotic nuclei and for analytical mass spectrometry,” Physica Scripta2015 (2015): 014069. 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014069 Publications, Articles
“Between the Foreign and the Local: French Midwifery, Traditional Practitioners, and Vernacular Medical Knowledge about Childbirth in Lima, Peru.” História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos 22, no. 1 (2015), pp. 179-200. Publications, Articles
“Sowing Seeds and Knowledge: Agricultural Development in the US, Taiwan, and the World, 1949-1975,” East Asian Science, Technology and Society (EASTS) 9 (June 2015): 127-149. Publications, Articles
Review of “City Dwellers: Contemporary Art From India,” College Art Association,    Publications, Articles
Gregory. James. “Upton Sinclair’s 1934 EPIC Campaign: Anatomy of a Political Movement.” LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas. (December 2015), 51-81.  Publications, Articles
Gregory. James. “Seattle’s Left Coast Formula.” Dissent. New York: Winter 2015: 36-42. Publications, Articles
“‘The book was a revelation, I recognized myself in it’: Lesbian Sexuality, Censorship, and the Queer Press in Weimar-era Germany.” Journal of Women’s History 27:2 (2015): 62-86. Publications, Articles
"A Murder in the Grove: Conceptions of Justice in an Early Zionist Colony," Journal of Social History 49:2 (2015): 427-451. Publications, Articles
"Where Did the Empire Go? Archives and Decolonization in Britain," American Historical Review 120.3 (June 2015): 884-899. Publications, Articles
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella. "Beyond Baghdad: Writing a History of the Iraqi Periphery." Arab Studies Journal 23, no. 1 (2015): 239-41. Publications, Articles