E. Leistenschneider et al., “Diversifying Beam Species through Decay and Recapture IonTrapping: a Demonstrative Experiment at TITAN-EBIT,” Journal of Physics G: Nuclearand Particle Physics 47 (2020): 045113. 10.1088/1361-6471/ab6ee1 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
“Past Perfect: Jewish Memories of Language and the Politics of Arabic in Mandate Palestine,” in Heleen Murre-van den Berg et al., Arabic and its Alternatives: Religious minorities and their languages in the emerging nation states of the Middle East (1920-1950) (Leiden: Brill, 2020), pp. 228-256. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, England and Great Britain, Jewish Studies, Language, Middle East |
“Forging beginnings: Commemorative cultures and the politics of the “First Aliyah” Journal of Israeli History 38:1 (2020) Special Issue on Beginnings and Endings: Narration and Emplotment in the History of Zionism and the State of Israel, 53-76. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Culture, Empire and Colonialism, History, Jewish Studies, Middle East |
Jun, Hajin. “Protestant Rites and the Problem of Religious Difference in Colonial Korea.” Journal of Korean Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, 2020, pp. 325–351. |
Publications, Articles |
Korea |
Eric Johnson, "When endemic met epidemic: cholera, chronic disease and public health in Kazan, 1788–1842," Urban History (2020). |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, Health, History, Medicine, Russia, Science and Technology, Slavic, Social History, Space/Place, Urban History |
Rafael, Vicente L. “Photography and the Biopolitics of Fear: Witnessing the Philippine Drug War,” positions: Asia Critique, November, v. 28, no. 4, 2020 |
Publications, Articles |
Political History |
Larsen, Matthew D. C., and Mark Letteney. 2019. “Christians and the Codex: Generic Materiality and Early Gospel Traditions.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 27 (3): 383–415. |
Publications, Articles |
Ancient World, Antiquity, Classics, Material Culture |
Adams, Matthew J., Mark Letteney, and Max T. B. Peers. 2019. “Survey and Excavations at Solomon’s Pools, Palestine: 2018 Preliminary Report.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 151 (1): 15–35. |
Publications, Articles |
Ancient World |
“Sandro Botticelli’s Portrait of a Young Woman, c. 1485,” in Smarthistory, 2019. |
Publications, Articles |
Art History, Early Modern, Early Modern Europe, Women |
"Forgotten Velvet: Understanding Eastern Slovakia's 1989," New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central and East European Politics and International Relations, vol. 27, no. 3, (Winter 2019): 63-100. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Eastern Europe, Socialism and Post-Socialism |
“Wurden lesbische Frauen im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt? Mikrogeschichte und der Begriff der “Verfolgtengruppe.” Invertito: Jarbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten Rüdiger Lautmann and Stefan Micheler, eds. (2019) |
Publications, Articles |
Gender, Germany, Law, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Sexuality, Transgender Studies, Women |
Rafael, Vicente L., “Linguistic Currencies: The Translative Power of English in the United States and Southeast Asia,” in The Translator, 25:2, 2019, 142-158, https://www.academia.edu/40893944/Vicente_L._Rafael_Linguistic_currencies_the_translative_power_of_English_in_Southeast_Asia_and_the_United_States |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century |
Rafael, Vicente L., "The Sovereign Trickster," The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 78, No. 1 (February) 2019: 141-166. https://www.academia.edu/38538056/Vicente_L._Rafael_The_Sovereign_Trickster |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century |
Liora R. Halperin, "Trading Secrets: Constructions and Contexts of Two Middle Eastern Jewish Guards in the Early Petah Tikva Agricultural Colony," International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (2019): 1-22. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Empire and Colonialism, Historiography, Jewish Studies, Middle East, Migration, Nationalism, Near East, Ottoman Empire |
“Martyrs of Development: Taiwanese Agrarian Development and the Republic of Vietnam, 1959–1975.” Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review (e-journal) 33: 53–83. https://cross-currents.berkeley.edu/e-journal/issue-33/lin. |
Publications, Articles |
East Asia, Globalism, History of Science, Science and Technology, Southeast Asia |
“AHR Forum Introduction: Indigenous Agency and Colonial Law,” American Historical Review 124.1 (February 2019): 20-27. |
Articles |
Comparative Colonialisms, Environmental History, Indigenous, Latin America, Law, North American |
The “Kidnapping” of Hildy McCoy: Child Adoption and Religious Conflict in the Shadow of the Holocaust |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, American, Culture, Family, History, Jewish Studies, Religion, Social History, Transatlantic |
"Was the Homosexual Made White? Race, Empire, and Analogy in Gay and Trans Thought in Twentieth-Century Germany," Gender and History (March 2019) |
Publications, Articles |
Gender, Germany, Jewish Studies, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Sexuality, Transgender Studies, Women |
Letteney, Mark. 2018. “Authenticity and Authority: The Case for Dismantling a Dubious Correlation.” In Rethinking “Authority” in Late Antiquity: Authorship, Law, and Transmission in Jewish and Christian Tradition, edited by AJ Berkovitz and Mark Letteney, 33–56. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. |
Publications, Articles |
Ancient World, Antiquity, Classics, Historiography |
Berkovitz, A. J., and Mark Letteney. 2018. “Authority in Contemporary Historiography.” In Rethinking ‘Authority’ in Late Antiquity, edited by A.J. Berkovitz and Mark Letteney, 1–16. Routledge. |
Publications, Articles |
Ancient World, Historiography |
Hannah Frydman, “Policing Backpage and the Backpages.” Public Books, April 19, 2018, <http://www.publicbooks.org/policing-backpage-and-the-backpages/>. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, France, Law, Political History, Popular Culture, Public Scholarship, Sexuality, Transatlantic, Women |
“‘Beauty Adorns Virtue:’ Italian Renaissance Fashion,” New York Fashion Institute of Technology, 2018, (general audience). |
Publications, Articles |
Art, Art History, Early Modern, Early Modern Europe, Women |
“Warburg’s Etruscan Florentines,” SEQUITUR, volume 4, issue 2, “Extra,” Boston University, 2018. |
Publications, Articles |
Art History, Early Modern, Early Modern Europe |
“The Question of Pregnancy in Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait,” in Smarthistory, 2018 (general audience). |
Publications, Articles |
Early Modern, Early Modern Europe, Women |
Christopher Tounsel, “Render to Caesar: Missionary Thought and the Sudanese State, 1946-1964" Social Sciences and Missions Vol. 31, Iss. 3-4 (2018): 341-374. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, Bible Studies, Religion |