
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
E. Leistenschneider et al., “Diversifying Beam Species through Decay and Recapture IonTrapping: a Demonstrative Experiment at TITAN-EBIT,” Journal of Physics G: Nuclearand Particle Physics 47 (2020): 045113. 10.1088/1361-6471/ab6ee1 Publications, Articles
“Past Perfect: Jewish Memories of Language and the Politics of Arabic in Mandate Palestine,” in Heleen Murre-van den Berg et al., Arabic and its Alternatives: Religious minorities and their languages in the emerging nation states of the Middle East (1920-1950) (Leiden: Brill, 2020), pp. 228-256. Publications, Articles
“Forging beginnings: Commemorative cultures and the politics of the “First Aliyah” Journal of Israeli History 38:1 (2020) Special Issue on Beginnings and Endings: Narration and Emplotment in the History of Zionism and the State of Israel, 53-76. Publications, Articles
Jun, Hajin. “Protestant Rites and the Problem of Religious Difference in Colonial Korea.” Journal of Korean Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, 2020, pp. 325–351.  Publications, Articles
Eric Johnson, "When endemic met epidemic: cholera, chronic disease and public health in Kazan, 1788–1842," Urban History (2020).  Publications, Articles
Rafael, Vicente L. “Photography and the Biopolitics of Fear: Witnessing the Philippine Drug War,” positions: Asia Critique, November, v. 28, no. 4, 2020  Publications, Articles
Larsen, Matthew D. C., and Mark Letteney. 2019. “Christians and the Codex: Generic Materiality and Early Gospel Traditions.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 27 (3): 383–415. Publications, Articles
Adams, Matthew J., Mark Letteney, and Max T. B. Peers. 2019. “Survey and Excavations at Solomon’s Pools, Palestine: 2018 Preliminary Report.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 151 (1): 15–35.  Publications, Articles
“Sandro Botticelli’s Portrait of a Young Woman, c. 1485,” in Smarthistory, 2019.  Publications, Articles
"Forgotten Velvet: Understanding Eastern Slovakia's 1989," New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central and East European Politics and International Relations, vol. 27, no. 3, (Winter 2019): 63-100. Publications, Articles
“Wurden lesbische Frauen im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt? Mikrogeschichte und der Begriff der “Verfolgtengruppe.” Invertito: Jarbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten Rüdiger Lautmann and Stefan Micheler, eds. (2019) Publications, Articles
Rafael, Vicente L., “Linguistic Currencies: The Translative Power of English in the United States and Southeast Asia,” in The Translator, 25:2, 2019, 142-158, Publications, Articles
Rafael, Vicente L., "The Sovereign Trickster," The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 78, No. 1 (February) 2019: 141-166. Publications, Articles
Liora R. Halperin, "Trading Secrets: Constructions and Contexts of Two Middle Eastern Jewish Guards in the Early Petah Tikva Agricultural Colony," International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (2019): 1-22. Publications, Articles
“Martyrs of Development: Taiwanese Agrarian Development and the Republic of Vietnam, 1959–1975.” Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review (e-journal) 33: 53–83. Publications, Articles
“AHR Forum Introduction: Indigenous Agency and Colonial Law,” American Historical Review 124.1 (February 2019): 20-27. Articles
The “Kidnapping” of Hildy McCoy: Child Adoption and Religious Conflict in the Shadow of the Holocaust Publications, Articles
"Was the Homosexual Made White? Race, Empire, and Analogy in Gay and Trans Thought in Twentieth-Century Germany," Gender and History (March 2019) Publications, Articles
Letteney, Mark. 2018. “Authenticity and Authority: The Case for Dismantling a Dubious Correlation.” In Rethinking “Authority” in Late Antiquity: Authorship, Law, and Transmission in Jewish and Christian Tradition, edited by AJ Berkovitz and Mark Letteney, 33–56. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Publications, Articles
Berkovitz, A. J., and Mark Letteney. 2018. “Authority in Contemporary Historiography.” In Rethinking ‘Authority’ in Late Antiquity, edited by A.J. Berkovitz and Mark Letteney, 1–16. Routledge.  Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, “Policing Backpage and the Backpages.” Public Books, April 19, 2018, <>. Publications, Articles
“‘Beauty Adorns Virtue:’ Italian Renaissance Fashion,” New York Fashion Institute of Technology, 2018, (general audience). Publications, Articles
“Warburg’s Etruscan Florentines,” SEQUITUR, volume 4, issue 2, “Extra,” Boston University, 2018. Publications, Articles
“The Question of Pregnancy in Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait,” in Smarthistory, 2018 (general audience). Publications, Articles
Christopher Tounsel, “Render to Caesar: Missionary Thought and the Sudanese State, 1946-1964" Social Sciences and Missions Vol. 31, Iss. 3-4 (2018): 341-374. Publications, Articles