"A Tale of Two Divestments: South Africa, Sudan, and Howard University" African Studies Review 67, no. 3 (2024): 590-609. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, African American |
"'I Dont Know what will be my Lot': Transnational Migration and Unfree Labor in Early America. The Journal of the Civil War Era vol. 16, no. 2 (December, 2024): 441-462. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, African American, Atlantic World, Caribbean, Law, Migration, Race and Ethnicity, Slavery, Social History, United States |
Marglin, Jessica, and Mark Letteney. 2024. “Legal Pluralism as a Category of Analysis.” Law and History Review 42 (2): 143–53. |
Publications, Articles |
Historiography, Law |
Marhoefer, Laurie (2023). Transgender Life and Persecution under the Nazi State: Gutachten on the Vollbrecht Case. Central European History, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S0008938923000468 |
Publications, Articles |
Gender, Germany, Law, Modern Europe, Sexuality, Transgender Studies, Violence and Trauma |
Bùi, Alvin Khiêm. "Digital Vietnam: State of the ‘State of the Field’, Saigonese Motorbike YouTubers, and Diasporic Vietnamese Social Memories of the Republic of Việt Nam." Asiascape: Digital Asia 10, no. 1-2 (2023): 74-95. |
Publications, Articles |
Asian American, Digital Humanities, Race and Ethnicity, Southeast Asia, Urban History |
Hannah Frydman, “‘Confidences épistolaires de la Vénus publique’: Real-time Communication, Voyeuristic Reading, and Social Media’s Erotic Pre-History in the Petite Correspondance.” Forthcoming in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, vol. 52, nos. 1–2, fall–winter 2023–24. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, Culture, France, Gender, Literature, Popular Culture, Sexuality, Women |
Letteney, Mark, and Simcha Gross. 2022. “Reconsidering the Earliest Synagogue in Yemen.” Studies in Late Antiquity 6 (4): 627–50. |
Publications, Articles |
Ancient World, Antiquity, Jewish Studies, Middle East |
Letteney, Mark. 2022. “Widening the Frame of Ancient Legal History.” ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ 46:345–49. |
Publications, Articles |
Antiquity, Classics, Law |
Joana Bürger. Review of McGuire, Valerie, Italy's Sea: Empire and Nation in the Mediterranean, 1895-1945. H-Italy, H-Net Reviews. December, 2022. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Empire and Colonialism, Modern Europe, Nationalism |
Hannah Frydman, “Reading Incognito: Periodicals, Sapphic Fictions, and Lesbian Communication," Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 26, no. 1 (2022): 35-55, https://doi.org/10.1080/14787318.2022.2038515. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Culture, France, Gender, Literature, Popular Culture, Queer Studies, Sexuality, Women |
“Nostalgia for Japanese Colonialism: Historical Memory and Postcolonialism in Contemporary Taiwan.” History Compass 20, no. 11 (2022): e12751. https://doi.org/10.1111/hic3.12751 |
Publications, Articles |
East Asia, Empire and Colonialism, Japan, Postcolonial |
Adam Warren. “Dorotea Salguero and the Gendered Persecution of Unlicensed Healers in Early Republican Peru.” In The Gray Zones of Medicine, eds. Pablo Gómez and Diego Armus. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, Gender, Health, Latin America, Medicine, South America, Women |
Letteney, Mark, and Matthew D. C. Larsen. 2021. “A Roman Military Prison at Lambaesis.” Studies in Late Antiquity 5 (1): 65–102. |
Publications, Articles |
Africa, Ancient World, Architecture, Classics, Material Culture |
Shaw, Brent D., and Mark Letteney. 2021. “Iunius Saturninus: A New African Centenarian.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 220:306–10. |
Publications, Articles |
Africa, Ancient World, Classics, Material Culture |
Hannah Frydman, “Freedom’s Sex Problem: Classified Advertising, Law, and the Politics of Reading in Third Republic France.” French Historical Studies 44, no. 4 (October 2021): 675-709 (Winner, Malcolm Bowie Prize). |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, France, Gender, Language, Law, Nationalism, Popular Culture, Sexuality, Women |
Joana Bürger, “Between Corfu and Athens: Moisis Caimis’ Contribution to the Making of Greek Jewry (1885-1916),” in Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. Journal of the Fondazione CDEC 20 (December 2021), DOI: 10.48248/issn.2037-741X/13120 |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Greece, Intellectual History, Jewish Studies, Nationalism |
“Kitchen Window Feminism: Sarah Macnaughtan, Wartime Care, and the Authority of Experience in the South African and First World Wars,” in “Health, Healing, and Caring,” special issue, Gender & History 33, no. 3 (Oct. 2021). |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Africa, Empire and Colonialism, England and Great Britain, Feminism and Feminist Theory, War and Terror, Women |
“Telling Times: Nick Joaquin, Storyteller,” positions: Asia Critique, v. 29, no.1, 121-141. https://doi.org/10.1215/10679847-8722810 |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Literature, Philippine and Filipino American, Southeast Asia |
"From Don Juan to Comrade Ivan: Educating the Young Men of the Urals for Love and Marriage, 1953-1964," Aspasia 15, 1 (2021): 21-40. https://doi.org/10.3167/asp.2021.150103 |
Publications, Articles |
Comparative Gender, Gender, History, Russia, Sexuality, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Soviet Union |
Hannah Frydman, “Capitalism’s Back Pages: ‘Immoral’ Advertising and Invisible Markets in Paris’s Mass Press, 1880–1940.” In Capitalism’s Hidden Worlds, 119–138. Edited by Kenneth Lipartito and Lisa Jacobson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Capitalism, Culture, France, Gender, Language, Popular Culture, Sexuality, Women |
Hannah Frydman and Claire-Lise Gaillard, “‘Les dessous des petites annonces’: quand les intimités se marchandent à la quatrième page des journaux (IIIe République).” Histoire, économie & société 39, no. 3 (September 2020): 45–66. |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, Feminism and Feminist Theory, France, Gender, Language, Law, Popular Culture, Sexuality, Women |
Christopher Tounsel, "Negro Canaan: Tuskegee, Cotton, and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan" Journal of African American History Vol. 105, no. 1 (February 2020): 28-55. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, African American, Labor |
Christopher Tounsel, “Lord Come to Our Aid”: Islamisation, Civil War, and the Pastoral Letters of the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference’ Journal of Religious History Vol. 44, no. 2 (June 2020: Christianity and Politics in 20th-Century Africa, ed. J.J. Carney): 168-186. |
Publications, Articles |
Africa, Bible Studies, Religion |
"Remapping the American Left: A History of Radical Discontinuity" LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History (May 2020), 11-45 |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, American, Digital Humanities, History, Labor, Political History, Social Movements, Sociology |
“Photography and the Biopolitics of Fear: Witnessing the Philippine Drug War,” positions: Asia Critique, November, v. 28, no. 4, 905-933. https://read.dukeupress.edu/positions/article-abstract/28/4/905/167026/Photography-and-the-Biopolitics-of-FearWitnessing?redirectedFrom=fulltext |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Human Rights, Philippine and Filipino American, Southeast Asia |