Christopher Tounsel, "Before the Bright Star: Football in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan" Journal of Eastern African Studies Vol. 12, no. 4 (2018): 735-753. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa |
"Prague Spring on the Periphery: Eastern Slovak Steelworkers React to Reform and Invasion in 1968," Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, (Winter 2018). |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Eastern Europe, Socialism and Post-Socialism |
C. Babcock et al., “Mass measurements of neutron-rich indium isotopes toward the N = 82 shellclosure,” Physical Review C 97 (2018): 024312. 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.024312 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
E. Leistenschneider et al., “Dawning of the N = 32 shell closure seen through precision massmeasurements of neutron-rich titanium isotopes,” Physical Review Letters 120 (2018):062503. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.062503 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
Rafael, Vicente L., “Colonial Contractions: The Modern Philippines, 1565-1946,” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, edited by David Ludden, New York and London: Oxford University Press, 2018, |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century |
“Indigenous-Anglo Interactions over Pacific Marine Space: Makahs, Maori, and the British Empire in the Pacific,” in Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences of Empire in a Revolutionary Age, eds. Kate Fullagar and Michael A. McDonnell (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018). |
Articles |
Comparative Colonialisms, Empire and Colonialism, Environmental History, Indigenous, Space/Place |
"Partnership and Discord in International Debates about Coca Chewing, 1949-1950," Medicine Anthropology Theory 4, no. 2 (2018), pp. 35-51. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, History of Science, Indigenous, Latin America, Race and Ethnicity, South America |
"Why the Myth of the Gay Nazi is Back in Circulation" Slate 24 August 2018 |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Sexuality, Transgender Studies, War and Terror, Western Europe |
Lin Hongxuan. "Sickle as Crescent: Islam and Communism in the Netherlands East Indies, 1915-1927." Studia Islamika 25(2): 309-350. |
Publications, Articles |
Capitalism, Empire and Colonialism, History, Islamic Studies, Social Movements, Southeast Asia |
Lin, Hongxuan and Bayona, Jorge. "The Uses and Abuses of Singaporean History." New Mandala, August 17, 2018. |
Publications, Articles |
Digital Humanities, History, Human Rights, Southeast Asia |
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella. "Preservation or Plunder? The ISIS Files and a History of Heritage Removal in Iraq." Middle East Report Online, 8 May 2018, |
Publications, Articles |
Historiography, History, Middle East, War and Terror |
"Queer Fascism and the End of Gay History," blog post, Notches (June 2018) |
Publications, Articles |
Queer Studies, Sexuality |
“La historia falsa en tiempos de la post-verdad: el caso de Singapur” Asia/AméricaLatina 4.1 (2018). Universidad de Buenos Aires. |
Publications, Articles |
History, Latin America, Southeast Asia |
Jesse Meredith, "Decolonizing the New Town: Roy Gazzard and the Making of Killingworth Township," Journal of British Studies 57, 2 (April 2018): 333-362. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, Architecture, Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Religion, Urban History |
“How fashion adapted to climate change – in the Little Ice Age,” The Conversation, Salon, Newsla, 2017, (general audience). |
Publications, Articles |
Art, Art History, Early Modern, Early Modern Europe |
Christopher Tounsel, "Race, religion and resistance: revelations from the Juba archive" Journal of Eastern African Studies Vol. 11, No. 2 (2017): 249-265. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, Race and Ethnicity, Religion |
"Kicked Out: Czechoslovakia's Postwar Policy toward Ethnic Minorities and Its Unintended Outcomes," Slovakia vol. 43, no. 80-81, (2017): 81-104. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Eastern Europe, Socialism and Post-Socialism |
D. Lascar et al., “Precision mass measurements of 125-127Cd isotopes and isomers approaching theN = 82 closed shell,” Physical Review C 96 (2017): 044323. 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.044323 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
A. T. Gallant et al., “Mass determination near N = 20 for Al and Na isotopes,” Physical Review C96 (2017): 024325. 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.024325 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
S. Triambak et al., “The 2+1 → 3+1 γ width in 22Na and second class currents,” Physical Review C95 (2017): 035501. 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.035501 |
Publications, Articles |
Science and Technology |
“The People of the Cape, Pacific Worlds, and Indigenous Knowledge,” commissioned response for H-Environment Roundtable Reviews 7.2 (June 2017), ( |
Articles |
American Indian/Native American, Indigenous, North American West, Pacific Northwest, U.S. Environmental |
“Self-Determination, Economic Development, and Native History,” The Panorama: Expansive views from the Journal of the Early Republic, December 4, 2017 ( |
Articles |
American Indian/Native American, Economics, Indigenous, North American West, Pacific Northwest |
“From ‘Fishing Together’ to ‘To Fish in Common With’: Makah Marine Waters and the Making of the Settler Commons in Washington Territory,” Journal of the West 56.4 (Fall 2017): 48-56. |
Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, American Indian/Native American, Indigenous, North American West, Pacific Northwest, Space/Place, U.S. Environmental |
"Refugees Next Door," History Today 67.12 (December 2017): 39-45. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, England and Great Britain, Migration |
"Benedict Anderson, una vida más allá de las fronteras." Revista del Instituto Riva-Agüero, vol. 2, no. 2, 2017, pp. 271-294. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Southeast Asia |