Fellowships for Current Graduate Students

Applicants for these fellowships must be enrolled in the History Graduate Program.

On this page:

  • Departmental Awards
    The History Department awards a number of fellowships to its students each year from a diverse array of funds. A direct application is required for several of these awards, while for others the recipient(s) is chosen from among qualified graduate students by a faculty committee without formal application on the part of the student.
  • University of Washington Awards
    Additionally, there are fellowships available through the Graduate School and other units on campus to support both students at various stages in graduate study. The application process for these awards varies depending on the source. Some require a direct application, while, in other cases, nomination occurs through a departmental process.
  • External Awards
    Graduate students at the University of Washington are also very competitive in winning external funding. Below is a list of awards. More information is available through the university's Graduate Funding Information Service (GFIS).


Departmental Awards


Frank F. Conlon Endowed Fellowship in History

The purpose of this endowment is to offset expenses for graduate students in the Department of History who are doctoral candidates completing the requirements of their degrees.  Selection of fellowship recipients shall be made by the Chair of History, or their designee.  Recipients shall be doctoral candidates completing the requirements of their degrees in the Department of History.

Professor Emeritus Frank F. Conlon taught history, international studies and comparative religion at the University of Washington from 1968 to 2002.  An acknowledged authrority in the field of South Asian history, Professor Conlon's book, A Caste in a Changing World: The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmans, 1700-1935, has won critical acclaim.  Professor Conlon was the Director of the South Asia Center at UW for 12 years.  He was formerly the President of H-Net and is well known in his volunteer work as an editor for H-Asia, the interdiscilinary Asian Studies discussion list which he co-founded in 1994.

Aldon Duane Bell Award in Women's History

In 1997 an anonymous donor established the Aldon Duane Bell Award in Women's History in memory of Aldon D. Bell, in honor of his long-standing commitment to women's history and women studies. Professor Bell served as a member of the History Department's faculty from 1969 until his death in 1992. He also served for six years as Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. While Dean, he guided the creation of the University's Women Studies Program. The award consists of a one-quarter fellowship. The award is intended to recognize academic achievement and scholarly promise in women's history or women studies. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Costigan Endowed Fellowship

Scholarships for history students based on a combination of academic achievement and financial need. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Filaretos Fotas Fund

Fellowship to support an academic exchange with the University of Cardiff.

Johnson-Thomas Endowed Fellowship in History

Financial assistance to deserving graduate students in the Department of History for doctoral dissertation research, with preference given to students in ancient Greek or early American history. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Philip and Michelle LeDuc Endowed Fund

Scholarships for graduate students in the Department of History. Where possible preference is given to students studying early modern British or American colonial history. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and  Funding Application process each spring.

John and Mary Ann Mangels Endowed Fellowship

Scholarships for graduate students in the Department of History studying the history of the Pacific Northwest and are interested in working with museums. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Janet Paulson Award in Medieval History

Scholarships for History graduate students. Where possible preference is given to students studying the European Middle Ages. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted.

Pinkney Endowed Fellowship

Financial assistance to qualified doctoral candidates in the field of modern European history for doctoral dissertation research in Europe, with preference given to students of French history since 1789. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Rondeau Evans Dissertation Research Fellowship

Funded through a generous bequest from the estate of Rondeau Laverne Evans, who received a master's degree in American History from the Department in 1934. The Department decided to honor Ms. Evans' lifelong interest in education and teaching by directing these funds towards helping History graduate students complete their doctoral studies. The purpose of these fellowships is to aid in the research and writing of dissertations. Preference is given to those applicants who present proposals that demonstrate the need to travel for research purposes. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and  Funding Application process each spring.

Lawrence J. Roseman Fellowship in Ancient History

Scholarships to support the recruitment or continuing study of outstanding graduate students in or entering the History MA program. Preference is given to graduate students of ancient history. This award is most often used for recruitment purposes. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are occasionally made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Maurice and Lois Schwartz Scholarship in Non-Western History

The Schwartz Fellowship provides resident or non-resident tuition and/or stipends for up to three quarters for History graduate students with a serious interest in the study of non-Western civilizations (interpreted to include Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East but exclude the former Soviet Union). The awards are based on this interest, academic excellence, and financial need. At the request of the donor, preference will be given to students studying the Middle East and Asia. Students must apply for the award; applications are generally accepted during the month of March each year.

John Calhoun Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarships for History graduate students devoted to territorial government history of the states of Washington and Idaho. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and  Funding Application process each spring.

Maggie and Doug Walker Funds

Funds to support History graduate students. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Luckie Agee Waller Scholarship

Scholarships for History graduate students. Recipients must be citizens of the United States. Students are selected for this award by Committee. Direct application is not permitted, but monies from this fund are made available to eligible students through the Annual Review and Funding Application process each spring.

Willstadter Snow-Smith Fund for Study in Europe

The Robert Edward Willstadter and Joanne Snow-Smith Fund makes possible grants of up to $5,000 to History graduate students to support travel to Europe for the purposes of historical research, participation in group study programs, language training, or other academic purposes.


University of Washington Awards

Bonderman Fellowships

Three fellowships to provide an extensive travel experience.

Budlong Summer Research Fellowships

The Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Program and the Department of History offers the Budlong Summer Research Fellowship for exceptional REECAS and History graduate students to travel to Russia.

Chester William Fritz Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities

Scholarships for students in the advanced stages of dissertation research and writing. Students must apply for consideration for nomination.

Chester A. Fritz Grants for International Exchanges

Grants to support international study or research in the humanities and social sciences.

Gerberding-Rome Studies Fellowship

Supports graduate students to pursue studies at the Washington Rome Center in Rome, Italy.

GO-MAP Graduate Diversity Fellowships (Bank of America, Presidential, and Stroum Dissertation Fellowships)

Awards based on merit, financial need, and diversity. Available to doctoral students only.

Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Social Professions

The Graduate School Presidential Dissertation award is intended to assist Ph.D. candidates in the final stages of writing and completing their dissertations. The 2013-14 Dissertation Fellowship is a one-quarter award established with support of the University President.

Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Research Grant

The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies offers small grants to University of Washington faculty, staff, and graduate students for labor-related research. Awards generally range from $1,500-2,500. Applicants must demonstrate the significance of their proposed research to the interdisciplinary field of labor studies. Students must apply directly for this award.

Huckabay Teaching Fellowships

One-quarter fellowships for graduate students, in collaboration with a faculty mentor, focusing on issues of teaching and learning.

Elizabeth Kerr Macfarlane Endowed Scholarship

Fellowship to support graduate study.

Latinx Scholars Graduate School Fellowship

Latino Scholars Graduate School Fellowship is a one-time award for students who have a demonstrated commitment to Latino communities.

Pembroke College Fellowship

One year of support for a graduate student in the humanities or social sciences to attend Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy (PIP)

Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy (PIP) provides an opportunity for diverse, highly motivated cohort of 4-6 University of Washington doctoral students to develop their teaching skills in the context of an integrative interdisciplinary program that spans the arts and sciences.

Simpson Center for the Humanities Society of Scholars

Society of Scholars is an intellectual community in which humanists of diverse generations, academic ranks, and departmental affiliations contribute to and learn from one another's work. Annually, eight faculty and three dissertation research fellowships support members of the Society of Scholars. Scholars in year-long residence at the University of Washington may be invited to participate. The group meets biweekly throughout the year to discuss their research in progress.


External Awards

American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship

A national competition for women at the final stage of writing dissertation writing. The fellowship provides a stipend. AAUW provides other fellowship and postdoctoral opportunities.

American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship

Scholarships and grants for study and research in a variety of fields.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI)

CHCI's scholarship opportunities are afforded to Latino students in the United States who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future.

David L. Boren Graduate Fellowship

To support outstanding students who demonstrate high levels of academic performance and motivation to internationalize their education by developing expertise in languages, cultures, and world regions.

Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities

For study in research-based programs in the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, engineering, math, physical sciences, and biological sciences.

Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS)

Fellowships for advanced training in Canadian, East-, Central-, South-, and Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, Russian, and Eastern and Western European Area Studies.

Fulbright Study Abroad Fellowships

Grants for graduate study or research abroad.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

Grants for dissertation research abroad for non-Western European Area Studies.

German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship (DAAD)

One-year scholarship for study or research at a university in Germany.

Ruth Simms Hamilton Research Fellowship (African Diaspora)

Fellowships are awarded to one or more students each year to graduate students enrolled in a social science program at an accredited U.S. college or university and studying the African Diaspora.

Hubert H. Humphrey Doctoral Fellowship

This fellowship is for doctoral dissertations related to arms control and disarmament issues in a wide range of academic disciplines: political science, economics, law, sociology, psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, public policy, philosophy, international relations, operations research and engineering. Applicants must have completed their academic requirements, except the dissertation, by the time of appointment.

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship

Fellowships to assist students of superior ability to pursue graduate programs leading to the doctorate or the Master of Fine Arts in selected fields in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships

Scholarships to support graduate study in relevant fields.

Social Science Research Council Fellowships

SSRC fellowship and grant programs provide support and professional recognition to innovators within fields, and especially to younger researchers whose work and ideas will have longer-term impact on society and scholarship. These programs often target the spaces between disciplines.

Smithsonian Institution Fellowships

The Smithsonian Institution offers fellowships for research and study in a variety of fields.

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation - Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations might consider the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.
