Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Jesse Meredith, "Decolonizing the New Town: Roy Gazzard and the Making of Killingworth Township," Journal of British Studies 57, 2 (April 2018): 333-362. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Africa, Architecture, Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Religion, Urban History |
"Where Did the Empire Go? Archives and Decolonization in Britain," American Historical Review 120.3 (June 2015): 884-899. |
Publications, Articles |
Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Postcolonial |
"Fostering Independence," History Today 63.8 (August 2013): 21-26. |
Publications, Articles |
Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Postcolonial |
"The Postcolonial Family? West African Children, Private Fostering, and the British State," Journal of Modern History 81.1 (2009): 87-121. [Winner of the Walter D. Love Article Prize from the North American Conference on British Studies.] |
Publications, Articles |
Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Postcolonial |
"Leaving Home: The Politics of Deportation in Postwar Britain," Journal of British Studies 48.4 (2008): 852-882. |
Publications, Articles |
Empire and Colonialism, Modern Britain, Postcolonial |
"Color Problems: Work, Pathology, and Perception in Modern Britain" International Labor and Working-Class History 68 (2005): 93 -111. |
Publications, Articles |
Labor, Modern Britain, Race and Ethnicity |
Kane-Galbraith, Adrian. "Male Breadwinners of 'Doubtful Sex': Trans Men and the Welfare State, 1945-1969". In Twentieth Century British Masculinities, Manchester University Press (under review) |
Publications |
Gender, Modern Britain, Transgender Studies |