
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Marhoefer, Laurie (2023). Transgender Life and Persecution under the Nazi State: Gutachten on the Vollbrecht Case. Central European History, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S0008938923000468 Publications, Articles
Charity Urbanski, Medieval Monstrosity: Imagining the Monstrous in Medieval Europe (Routledge, 2023) Publications, Books
Hannah Frydman, “‘Confidences épistolaires de la Vénus publique’: Real-time Communication, Voyeuristic Reading, and Social Media’s Erotic Pre-History in the Petite Correspondance.” Forthcoming in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, vol. 52, nos. 1–2, fall–winter 2023–24. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, “Reading Incognito: Periodicals, Sapphic Fictions, and Lesbian Communication," Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes 26, no. 1 (2022): 35-55, Publications, Articles
Adam Warren. “Dorotea Salguero and the Gendered Persecution of Unlicensed Healers in Early Republican Peru.” In The Gray Zones of Medicine, eds. Pablo Gómez and Diego Armus. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, “Freedom’s Sex Problem: Classified Advertising, Law, and the Politics of Reading in Third Republic France.” French Historical Studies 44, no. 4 (October 2021): 675-709 (Winner, Malcolm Bowie Prize). Publications, Articles
Nam, Hwasook. Women in the Sky: Gender and Labor in the Making of Modern Korea. Cornell University Press, 2021. Print. Publications, Books
"From Don Juan to Comrade Ivan: Educating the Young Men of the Urals for Love and Marriage, 1953-1964," Aspasia  15, 1 (2021): 21-40. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman, “Capitalism’s Back Pages: ‘Immoral’ Advertising and Invisible Markets in Paris’s Mass Press, 1880–1940.” In Capitalism’s Hidden Worlds, 119–138. Edited by Kenneth Lipartito and Lisa Jacobson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. Publications, Articles
Hannah Frydman and Claire-Lise Gaillard, “‘Les dessous des petites annonces’: quand les intimités se marchandent à la quatrième page des journaux (IIIe République).” Histoire, économie & société 39, no. 3 (September 2020): 45–66. Publications, Articles
Few, Martha, Zeb Tortorici, and Adam Warren, Baptism through Incision: The Postmortem Cesarean Operation in the Spanish Empire. State College: Penn State University Press, 2020. Publications, Books
“Wurden lesbische Frauen im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt? Mikrogeschichte und der Begriff der “Verfolgtengruppe.” Invertito: Jarbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten Rüdiger Lautmann and Stefan Micheler, eds. (2019) Publications, Articles
Susan A. Glenn, "Writing the Feminist Past," Jewish Social Studies (Winter 2019) Publications
"Was the Homosexual Made White? Race, Empire, and Analogy in Gay and Trans Thought in Twentieth-Century Germany," Gender and History (March 2019) Publications, Articles
Liora R. Halperin, "Petah Tikva, 1886: Gender, Anonymity, and the Making of Zionist Memory," Jewish Social Studies, 23:1 (Fall 2017): 1-28 Publications, Articles
“Lesbianism, Transvestitism, and the Nazi State: A Microhistory of a Gestapo Investigation, 1939-1943.” The American Historical Review 121:4 (2016): 1167-1195. Publications, Articles
“‘The book was a revelation, I recognized myself in it’: Lesbian Sexuality, Censorship, and the Queer Press in Weimar-era Germany.” Journal of Women’s History 27:2 (2015): 62-86. Publications, Articles
Marhoefer, Laurie. Sex and the Weimar Republic: German Homosexual Emancipation and the Rise of the Nazis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. Print. Publications, Books
“Homosexuality and Theories of Culture.” In Was ist Homosexualität? Forschungsgeschichte, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, edited by Jennifer V. Evans, Florian Mildenberger, Rüdiger Lautmann, Jakob Pastötter. Hamburg: Männerschwarm, 2014: 255-269. Publications, Articles
“An Operation for Evangelization: Friar Francisco González Laguna, the Cesarean Section, and Fetal Baptism in Late Colonial Peru.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 83, no. 4 (Winter 2009), pp. 647-675. Publications, Articles
Kane-Galbraith, Adrian. "Male Breadwinners of 'Doubtful Sex': Trans Men and the Welfare State, 1945-1969". In Twentieth Century British Masculinities, Manchester University Press (under review) Publications