Undergraduate Research Opportunities

In addition to the senior research seminar required of all history majors, the History department offers a variety of opportunities for research at the undergraduate level.

Independent Study - HSTRY 499

A student wishing to pursue a research project that cannot be accomplished in a regularly scheduled course can arrange to complete independent study credits under the supervision of a faculty member. Students should have a project in mind before approaching a faculty member. The student and faculty member will define the project and the requirements (number of meetings during the quarter, books to be read, written assignments, etc.) and complete an Independent Study learning contract (located in the advising office in 315 Smith Hall). Occasionally, it may be possible to use HSTRY 499 credits to add additional credits to a regular course (for example, a student who needs seven credits could add two credits of HSTRY 499 to a five-credit course and complete additional work related to the course). Be sure to read the guidelines included in the learning contract before registering for HSTRY 499.

Internship Credit - HSTRY 495

A student working in an internship that has a historical component may be able to complete a related project under the supervision of a faculty member and receive internship credits. The student must first arrange an internship with the sponsoring organization, then approach a history faculty member who is willing to supervise the project. The student and faculty member outline the additional work to be done (meetings with faculty supervisor during the quarter, additional books to be read, written work, etc.). Students usually complete a 7-15 page paper on a related topic. The student and faculty member complete an Internship Credit learning contract, and the student, faculty member and internship supervisor sign the contract. Be sure to read the guidelines included in the learning contract before registering for HSTRY 495.

If an internship does not have a historical component, it may be possible to receive general studies credit (GEN ST 350).

Internship Opportunities

The History department has no internship opportunities at this time. In the past, the History department received internship announcements from the Museum of Flight, the Museum of History and Industry, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, the Rainier Valley Historical Society, and the Seattle Survival Guide. The Carlson Center lists additional internship opportunities.

History majors often find internships with local history museums, historical societies, archives, publishing companies, etc. The purpose of an internship is to pursue a topic or field of personal interest, so students often find opportunities independently. Please contact the History Undergraduate Advising Office if you would like to discuss possible internship opportunities.
