
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Lumba, Allan. Monetary Authorities: Market Knowledge and Imperial Government in the Colonial Philippines, 1892 - 1942. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: Vicente Rafael. Graduate, Dissertations
Mahoney, Eleanor. Beyond Wilderness: Parks, People, and Politics in the Age of Environmentalism. Diss. University of Washington, in progress. Chairs: James Gregory and Linda Nash. Graduate, Dissertations
McCormick, Patrick. Mon Histories: Between Translation and Retelling. Diss. University of Washington, 2010. Chair: Laurie Sears. Graduate, Dissertations
McCurdy, Devon. Upstream Influence: The Economy, the State, and Oregon's Landscape, 1860-2000. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: John Findlay. Graduate, Dissertations
McKenna, Kevin. "Safer Sex: Gay Politics and the Remaking of Liberalism in Seattle, 1966-1995." PhD diss., University of Washington, 2017. Graduate, Dissertations
McNally, Deborah Colleen. Within Patriarchy: Gender and Power in Massachusetts's Congregational Churches, 1630-1730. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: Richard Johnson. Graduate, Dissertations
Meadows, Monica. The Horse: Conspicuous Consumption of Embodied Masculinity in South Asia, 1600-1850. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: Joel Walker. Graduate, Dissertations
Meyer, Mahlon. Imagined families: Mainlander Identity and Memory on Taiwan During the KMT-DPP Transition. Diss. University of Washington, 2008. Chair: R. Kent Guy. Graduate, Dissertations
Mok, Mei Feng. Negotiating Community and Nation in Cho Lon: Nation-building, Community-building and Transnationalism in Everyday Life during the Republic of Viet Nam, 1955-1975. Diss. University of Washington, 2016. Chair: Christoph Giebel. Graduate, Dissertations
Morrow, Alexander. Laboring for the Day: The Pacific Coast and the Economy of Contingent Labor, 1919-1933. Diss. University of Washington, 2015. Chair: James Gregory. Graduate, Dissertations
Mullins, Marty Manor. Slovakia's Second City in Times of Turbulence: Košice and its Hungarians, Eastern Rite Catholics and Steelworkers in 1948, 1968, and 1989. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: James Felak. Graduate, Dissertations
Ngo, Hoang. Building a New House for the Buddha: Buddhist Social Engagement and Revival in Vietnam, 1927-1951. Diss. University of Washington, 2015. Chair: Christoph Giebel. Graduate, Dissertations
Osborn, Julie. War, Women, Vietnam: The Mobilization of Female Images, 1954-1978. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: William Rorabaugh. Graduate, Dissertations
Piggot, W. Benjamin. The Irvine New Town, Orange County, And The Transformation Of Suburban Political Culture. Diss. University of Washington, 2009. Chair: John Findlay. Graduate, Dissertations
Pochop, Kirsten. Learning Liberalism: Seattle Schools and the Changing Face of American Racial Politics, 1960-1980. Diss. University of Washington, 2014. Chair: Susan Glenn. Graduate, Dissertations
Quinn, Michael. Beyond the Phalanx: Hoplites at War in Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, 432-404 BC. Diss. University of Washington, 2010. Chair: Carol Thomas. Graduate, Dissertations
Quintana, Maria. Contracting Freedom: Race, Empire, and U.S. Labor Importation Programs, 1942-1964. Diss. University of Washington, 2016. Chairs: James Gregory and Moon-Ho Jung. Graduate, Dissertations
Reagan, Michael. "Capital City: New York in Fiscal Crisis." PhD diss., University of Washington, 2017. Graduate, Dissertations
Roberts, Nathan. U.S. Forestry in the Philippines: Environment, Nationhood, and Empire, 1900-1937. Diss. University of Washington, 2013. Chair: Linda Nash. Graduate, Dissertations
Roy, Alyson. Engineering Power: The Roman Triumph as Material Expression of Power, 211 - 55 BCE. Diss. University of Washington, 2017. Chair: Sandra Joshel. Graduate, Dissertations
Ryan Archibald, Traveling Dissent: Activists, Borders, and the U.S. National Security Graduate, Dissertations
Schaefer, Kurt. The Promise and the Price of Contact: Puyallup Indian Acculturation, Federal Indian Policy and the City of Tacoma, 1832-1909. Diss. University of Washington, 2016. Chair: John Findlay. Graduate, Dissertations
Shaikh, Juned. Dignity and Dalit Social Imaginaries: Entanglements of Caste, Class, and Space in Mumbai, 1898-1982. Diss. University of Washington, 2011. Chair: Anand Yang. Graduate, Dissertations
Shattuck, Jason S.. A Place for Every Barbarian, A Road for Every Roman: Imperium, Movement, and Roman Identity from Pompey to Hadrian. Diss. University of Washington, 2012. Chair: Sandra Joshel. Graduate, Dissertations
Shonick, Kaja. Émigrés, guest workers, and refugees: Yugoslav migrants in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1995. Diss. University of Washington, 2008. Chair: Uta Poiger. Graduate, Dissertations