Contact Information
I am a doctoral candidate in modern Southeast and East Asian history with interests in Cold War Asia, migration, refugee and diaspora studies. My research contextualizes the experiences of the ethnic Chinese in/from the Republic of Vietnam to their interactions with the governments of the RVN and the Republic of China/Taiwan. I previously served as Project Coordinator for the Racial Restrictive Covenants Project mapping neighborhoods covered by racist deed provisions and restrictive covenants and 2021-2022 Blakemore Freeman Language Fellow in the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from UCLA in History, Asian American Studies and Vietnamese after which I lived and worked in Vietnam in education and venture capital.
My latest publication: "Digital Vietnam: State of the ‘State of the Field’, Saigonese Motorbike YouTubers, and Diasporic Vietnamese Social Memories of the Republic of Việt Nam".
Selected Awards and Fellowships
2020-2021 Vietnam Studies Group Graduate Essay First Prize
2019-2020 Thomas M. Power Endowed Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper
2023 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program Fellow (FY 2022)
2021-2022 Blakemore Freeman Language Fellow, Chinese
2020-2021 UW East Asia Center, Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellow, Chinese
2020 UW Center for Global Studies, Summer FLAS Fellow, Chinese
2013 UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Summer FLAS Fellow, Vietnamese