A recent USA Today article ("Online exhibits make the world a museum")discussing the impact of digital technologies on the study of African American history highlighted the work of UW History Professor Quintard Taylor. Professor Taylor's website "The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed" is a "10,000 page reference center is dedicated to providing information to the general public on African American history and on the history of the more than one billion people of African ancestry around the world." The site is a collection of articles and primary sources divided into three main categories: general African American History, African American History in the West and Global African History. Sources included primary documents, major speeches of black activists and leaders dating back to the 18th century, as well as historical timelines a list of major newspapers, magazines and journals, and links to other research guides and websites. Using this digital history platform, Professor Taylor's site has succeeded in reaching 2.9 million visitors from more than 150 countries.