Professor Joshua Reid Awarded Four Major Book Prizes

Submitted by Roneva Catherine Keel on

The Department of History congratulates Professor Joshua Reid on being awarded four major prizes for his book The Sea Is My Country:

The Maritime World of the Makahs. These awards include the John C. Ewers Award for the Best Book in North American Indian ethnohistory, the Sally and Ken Owens Award given biennially for the best book on the history of the Pacific West, the John W. Caughey Book Prize given annually for the most distinguished book on the history of the American West, and the Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin prize from the American Society of Ethnohistory for the best book-length contribution to the field of ethnohistory. Professor Reid's excellent book also received Honorable Mentions for the Frederick Jackson Turner Award and the John Lyman Book Award in U.S. Maritime History.

Reid is an Associate Professor of American Indian History and the North American West at the University of Washington. His research focuses on the cultural meanings of space and place, the American and Canadian Wests, the environment, and the indigenous Pacific. The Sea is my Country explores the history and identity of the Makah Nation who played a significant role in shaping the maritime economy of the Pacific Northwest. To read more about Professor Reid and his work visit his faculty page.
