Submitted by Eric W. Johnson
In the Spring of 2013 the History Department honored several undergraduate history majors with fellowships, scholarships, and prizes at an awards ceremony and reception.
The 2014 scholarship competition is now open. The deadline to apply is March 14, 2014.
This year the Department of History will be accepting applications for the following scholarships and prizes for undergraduate history majors:
- Faye Wilson Scholarship for Undergraduate Tuition
The Faye Wilson Scholarship Fund makes possible multiple awards annually to undergraduate History majors. Wilson Scholarships vary in value at the discretion of the selection committee, ranging from one quarter of resident or non-resident tuition up to a full three quarters of resident or non-resident tuition plus a quarterly stipend of as much as $3,000. The awards are based on academic excellence and financial need, with preference given to students with a demonstrable interest in United States history. Applicants must be enrolled students in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. Former recipients are eligible to apply. - Lois and Maurice Schwartz Fellowship for Non-Western History
The Schwartz Fellowship Fund makes possible multiple awards annually to History majors with a serious interest in the study of non-Western civilizations (interpreted to include Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East but not the former Soviet Union). Schwartz Fellowships vary in value at the discretion of the selection committee, ranging from one quarter of resident or non-resident tuition up to a full three quarters of resident or non-resident tuition. The awards are based on demonstrated interest in non-western history and academic excellence. At the request of the donor, preference will be given to students studying the Middle East and Asia. Applicants must be enrolled students in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. Former recipients are eligible to apply. - Sleizer Scholarship for Undergraduate Tuition
The Sleizer Scholarship Fund makes possible multiple awards annually to undergraduate history majors to assist them with their tuition and other academic-related expenses, such as books and fees. Sleizer Scholarships vary in value at the discretion of the selection committee, ranging from one quarter up to a full three quarters of resident tuition plus a quarterly stipend. This scholarship will be awarded annually to History majors on the basis of academic merit as the sole criterion. Applicants for this scholarship must be enrolled in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. - Freedman Remak Family Scholarship for Non-Resident Tuition
The Freedman-Remak Family Scholarship, named for Nancy Freedman and Ben Remak, was created to support History majors who face the high costs of out-of-state tuition. The Freedman-Remak Family Scholarships vary in value at the discretion of the selection committee but may range as high as $10,000. This scholarship will be awarded annually to non-resident History majors with selection based primarily on academic merit; financial need may also be considered. Applicants for this scholarship must be out-of-state students, enrolled in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. - Bryan Phillips Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
This scholarship is offered in memory of Bryan Phillips, a UW student who graduated with a history degree in December 2000. Bryan had Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); he passed away soon after earning his degree. This award provides up to three quarters of resident or non-resident tuition to a physically disabled student. The awards will be based on academic merit. In accordance with the donors' wishes, preference will be given to students with mobility-related disabilities. Applicants must be enrolled students in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. - Bicknell Fund for Academic Travel
The Bicknell Fund, established by Professor Emeritus Daniel C. Waugh and administered by the History Department, provides travel aid for students who intend to study the languages and cultures of Russia, Eastern Europe, or Central Asia. Preference is given to students who are enrolled in formal language study programs, but under rare circumstances students with other travel plans may be considered. Upon return, the student will be required to provide documentation on their course of study, i.e. a certificate of completion from the language program, as well as a short (1-3 page) description of their experience. - The Douglass W. Merrell 'Head of Logos' International Study Grant
The Head of Logos Grant is a study abroad award to be used for UW History majors participating in an approved study abroad program. The award can be used to help pay costs such as tuition, fees, airfare, room, and board associated with a study abroad program. The award will be determined based on merit and given to History majors enrolling in a study abroad program that earns UW credits. - The Denison-Kernaghan Award
The Denison-Kernaghan provides multiple awards to history majors studying European Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, and Early Modern History to help with costs of books and coursepacks for UW classes. Awards are merit-based to students with a demonstrated interest in these fields. - The Meder-Montgomery Award
The Meder-Montgomery Award is a textbook scholarship for history majors without preference to field of study. Multiple awards will be given based on merit to help history majors purchase books and coursepacks for UW classes. - Thomas Power Prize for History Research Papers
The Thomas Power Prize is given to an undergraduate research paper written in a University of Washington History course. Applications are generally accepted in the late Winter. First prize carries an award of $300; honorable mention carries $150. Applicants must be enrolled students in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors. - York-Mason Award for Research Projects About African Americans in the American West
The York-Mason Award is given to the best undergraduate research paper or project (including but not limited to scripts, photo essays, radio productions, television or film documentaries, or oral histories) on a topic in the History of African Americans in the American West, broadly defined as any of the states from North Dakota to Texas and west to the Pacific Ocean including Alaska and Hawaii, over the chronological period extending from 1528 to the present. Papers on western Canada or northern Mexico will also be considered. A review committee for the Department will select the best paper or project on the basis of the significance of the work, its style of presentation, and its contribution to the study of History. The award carries $500. Applicants must be enrolled students in good standing at the University of Washington and declared History majors.
Visit the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards webpage for information on how to apply.