HSTAA 212 A: The Military History of the United States From Colonial Times to the Present

Spring 2024
MW 10:30am - 12:20pm / GWN 201
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

HSTAA 212: The Military History of the United States 

from Colonial Times to the Present - Spring 2024


Room: Gowen Hall 201                      Time: Monday & Wednesday 10:30-12:20


Instructor: Nathan E. Roberts

Office: Smith Hall 113A

Email: ner3@uw.edu

Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-2PM, Wednesdays from 2-3PM, and by appointment in person or on ZOOM. 


Course Design and Goals

This course will provide students with materials and concepts to understand the roles that the military has played in U.S. history. This course takes a “war and society” approach. That is, it explores the U.S military as a set of institutions that conduct security and war, but it also examines the military and war as producers and products of American society and culture. We will maintain a dual focus on changes to the military’s organizational structure, duties, technological capabilities, and engagements AND the ways that the military and war have shaped and been shaped by American society, politics, and culture. 


By completing the course requirements, students will learn 1) how to think historically about the U.S. military, 2) how to analyze both primary and secondary sources as core elements of historical study, 3) some of the research methods and investigative techniques used by historians and social scientists, and 4) how to synthesize information and present analysis. 


Required Reading – You will be asked to read approximately 100 pages per week. 

  • Allan R. Millett, Peter Maslowski, and William B. Feis, For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States from 1607 to 2012 (3rd edition, 2012).
  • Tim O’Brien, If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home (1975).

*Additional required readings will be available as .pdf files on the course’s Canvas website.


Recommended Reading 

Good, clear writing is an essential part of history. I recommend that all students, regardless of previous writing experience, consult Michael Harvey, The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing (2003), especially chapters 1 & 2 on “Concision” and “Clarity.” I have placed these two chapters on the course’s Canvas’s website under the “Class Resources” module.  When we grade your written work, we do so expecting that you have read and understood these chapters.


Assignments & Grading with the Percentage of Your Final Course Grade

3 Quizzes                                    30% (10% each)

2 Short Papers                            30% (15% each)

Online Posts & Discussions       20%

Final Exam                                   20%


Organization of Classes

Monday and Wednesday classes will meet in person for lecture and discussion. We will take a five minute break near the midpoint of each class. Come prepared with readings and materials to take notes.  The lectures are meant to be paired with the For the Common Defense readings listed on the class schedule below.  This pairing will make up the course’s main content and the subject for the quizzes and final exam. 



This course is a survey of U.S. history, and therefore includes a substantial amount of content that spans great amounts of space and time. Success in the class depends upon good note-taking as you read AND during lecture and discussion. The quizzes and the final exam demand attention to details that can only be achieved by skilled note-taking, and you are expected to use your notes on quizzes and the final exam. 


Quizzes & Final Exam

We will evaluate your ability to understand and synthesize the course content through three quizzes and a final exam - all through the course’s Canvas website. The quizzes will include multiple choice, short answers, term identifications, image analysis, maps, and other exercises. You will be allowed to use notes, lectures, and books on the quizzes and the final exam. On the days of the quizzes (always Fridays), you will have from 5AM until 10PM to take the quiz. Each quiz will be 100 minutes in length. Once you begin you must finish the quiz; DO NOT begin until you are ready to take the quiz. The quiz is due at 10PM and will be inaccessible at 10:01PM.


Make-up and Missed Quizzes Policy: Quizzes may only be made up if 1) an arrangement is made with the instructor at least one week ahead of time, or 2) the student provides documented evidence of an official absence from a doctor, police, or other official source. Otherwise, there are no re-takes. Missing the quiz or final exam for any other excuse results in a zero on that assignment. 


The final exam will be an expanded version of the quizzes.  It will contain both comprehensive questions and questions covering specific material from the last few weeks of the course.  I will provide you with a study guide for the comprehensive section during the last week of the course. All quiz dates and the final exam date are listed on the class schedule below. 


Discussions & Online Posts

Engagement with the course’s topics will be evaluated through live discussion during our class sessions and through posts on the Canvas Discussion Board.  On Canvas, all participation grades are based on useful, substantive, and generative comments and questions that are related to course materials. The purpose of the online discussion is to generate genuine conversation and grades will reflect that intention. Merely answering questions as if you are completing an assignment is not as useful.  Online posts can not be turned in late. 



Each student will write two short papers of 800-900 words each worth 15% of your final grade. We expect college-level composition and your grade will be based as much on your ability to communicate your ideas as on the merit of your ideas. I will go over writing resources during class, but please consider myself and your TA as valuable resources when composing these essays. We will be available to give notes on thesis paragraphs, writing samples, and outlines. A detailed rubric for how we grade written work is on the course’s Canvas website. Due dates are listed on the class schedule below.  The prompts and other requirements will be available in Canvas. I will cover expectations and strategies for success in class. 


Late Papers

Late papers will be assessed a penalty of 0.5 grade points on the 4.0 scale per day that they are late.  All papers must be turned in through Canvas.  



Suggestions on how to succeed in this course:

1. Take good clear notes during lecture. Study them with classmates to fill gaps and clarify any confusion. Ask clarifying questions in class! The whole class will benefit from your inquiries.

2. Take notes when you read. Search for main ideas and search for the author’s evidence that supports the main ideas. Do not highlight entire paragraphs. Remember: if you highlight an entire paragraph, then nothing in it is highlighted. 

3. Keep up with the reading. Set a reading schedule for yourself and enjoy. These are good books!

4. Start early on paper assignments. Meet with me or our TA to discuss ideas and critique drafts.

5. Come to every class prepared to engage the material and the other students.

Additional Policies:


Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct, and ultimately it devalues both the person who engages in it and the broader learning environment in this course and the university. True intellectual work requires the free, open, and honest exchange of ideas. 

The Committee on Academic Conduct in the College of Arts and Sciences has defined plagiarism in the 

following way: 

• Using another writer's words without proper citation.

• Using another writer's ideas without proper citation.

• Citing your source but reproducing the exact words of a printed source without quotation marks; or, borrowing the structure of another author's phrases or sentences without crediting the author from whom it came.

• Borrowing all or part of another student's paper or using someone else's outline to write your own paper.

• Using any form of AI(artificial intelligence) such as ChatGPT or a paper writing "service," or having a friend write the paper for you.

The obligation to properly cite the work of others applies to internet, oral, and written sources. 

The key to avoiding plagiarism is to show clearly where your own thinking ends and someone else’s

begins. For additional resources on avoiding plagiarism and appropriately citing various types of sources, please see the link on the course website.


It is my sincere hope that no one in this course will be tempted to plagiarize any portion a paper assignment. To avoid the possibility of that temptation, you are urged to begin your assignment early, ask questions about anything you are unsure of, and ask for any kind of help that you need.


If plagiarism is discovered, it will be treated very seriously. A paper in which significant portions have been plagiarized will be forwarded to the Dean’s representative on Academic Misconduct. If plagiarism is confirmed, the student will receive a 0 for the assignment, and may also receive a failing grade in the course.


Personal technology: 

Laptops and tablets will be allowed only so long as they are used for course note-taking and are not disruptive of the learning environment. Many students find it distracting when people around them are checking Facebook and surfing the internet.  If students are observed using laptops in class for other purposes, or if I receive any complaints about laptop misuse, additional restrictions will be placed on their use in this course. Cell phones should not be out at any time during class except during the break. 


Departmental Policies revised March 2024

Covid-19 Expectations and Recommendations

Guidelines for Covid flowchart: https://www.ehs.washington.edu/system/files/resources/COVID-19-public-health-flowchart.pdf

Student Resources in Times of Need
We understand that with student life and possible health issues, there are emotional stresses and strains. We have compiled a list of helpful resources, and we encourage you to reach out to our advisers, to your instructors, and to your peers for additional support. https://history.washington.edu/student-resources-times-need

Plagiarism & Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct, such as unauthorized collaboration, cheating on exams, and plagiarism, is prohibited at UW and may result in disciplinary action. Here is more information.  Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct at UW.  It is defined as the use of creations, ideas, or words of publicly available work without formally acknowledging the author or source through appropriate use of quotation marks, references, and the like.  Along with the University of Washington, the Department of History takes plagiarism very
seriously.  Plagiarism may lead to disciplinary action by the University against the student who submitted the work.
Any student who is uncertain whether their use of the work of others constitutes plagiarism should consult the course instructor for guidance before submitting coursework. Disciplinary action on your school record can affect admission to graduate or professional schools. The unauthorized use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, can be academic misconduct at UW. We mean here tools that use AI and large language models to generate text or images, such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Bing Chat, and “Write with AI” in Google Docs. These are often prohibited by instructors in Department of History courses. The history department has
a commitment to critical thinking and analysis. Different faculty have different positions about whether AI tools can be used in their classes, and about how they can be used. Make sure there are explicit instructions about this in your class. If not, please ask before using them. The unauthorized use of such tools can constitute academic misconduct and could result in disciplinary action.
An incomplete is considered only when the student has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work until within two weeks of the end of the quarter and has furnished proof satisfactory to the instructor that the work cannot be completed because of illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control.
Grading Procedures
Except in case of error, no instructor may change a grade that they have turned in to the Registrar. Grades cannot be changed after a degree has been granted.
Grade Appeal Procedure
A student who believes they have been improperly graded must first discuss the matter with the instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the instructor's explanation, the student, no later than ten days after their discussion with the instructor, may submit a written appeal to the Chair of the Department of History with a copy of the appeal also sent to the instructor.
Faculty mailboxes are located in 318 Smith. T.A. mailboxes are located in Smith 315, but these boxes are not secure and are only available when the office is open, M – F, 8:30 – noon, 1 – 5. Papers, notes, etc. for T.A.s should instead be delivered to T.A. offices or given to T.A.s after class.  Within 10 calendar days, the Chair consults with the instructor to ensure that the evaluation of the student's performance has not been arbitrary or capricious. Should the Chair believe the instructor's conduct to be arbitrary or capricious and the instructor declines to revise the grade, the Chair, with the approval of the voting members of their faculty, shall appoint an appropriate member, or members, of the faculty of the Department of History to evaluate the performance of the student and assign a grade. The Dean and Provost should be informed of this action. Once a student submits a written appeal, this document and all subsequent actions on this appeal are recorded in written form for deposit in a Department of History file.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as the use of one’s authority or power, either explicitly or implicitly, to coerce another into unwanted sexual relations or to punish another for their refusal to engage in sexual acts. It is also defined as the creation by a member of the University community of an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment through verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
If you are being harassed, seek help—the earlier the better. You may speak with your instructor, your teaching assistant, History Undergraduate Advising, the Department’s Director of Academic Services (Smith 315A) or the Chair of the Department (Smith 308). In addition, the Office of the Ombud (206 543-6028) is a University resource for all students, faculty and staff. Community Standards and Student Conduct Office (cssc@uw.edu) is a resource for students.
Equal Opportunity
The University of Washington reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, citizenship, sexual orientation, age, marital status, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability, or status as a protected veteran. This policy applies to all programs and facilities, including, but not limited to, admissions, educational programs, employment, and patient and hospital services. An discriminatory action can be a cause for disciplinary action.
Religious Accommodations
Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy
(https://registrar.washington.edu/staffandfaculty/religious-accommodations-policy/). Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form (https://registrar.washington.edu/students/religious-accommodations-request/).
Access and Accommodations
Your experience in this class is important to us. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please communicate your approved accommodations to us at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.  If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing,
physical or health impacts), you are welcome to contact DRS at 206-543-8924 or uwdrs@uw.edu or disability.uw.edu. DRS offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or temporary health conditions. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and DRS. It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law.
Department of History Diversity Committee
The Department of History Diversity Committee initiates and facilitates an ongoing conversation about diversity, proposes measures to address institutional disparities, and also serves as a confidential resource for students, staff, and faculty who have concerns related to climate and diversity. Any member of the department's learning and working community may contact the committee with concerns and questions. https://history.washington.edu/diversity-resources

Standards of Conduct and Academic Integrity: (see WAC 478-121-020)
The following abilities and behavioral expectations complement the UW Student Conduct Code. All students need to demonstrate the following behaviors and abilities:
Communication: All students must communicate effectively with other students, faculty, staff, and other professionals within the Department of History. Students must attempt to express ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback. All students must be able to reason, analyze, integrate, synthesize, and evaluate in the context of the class. Students must be able to evaluate and apply information and engage in critical thinking in the classroom and professional setting.
Behavioral/Emotional: Students must demonstrate the emotional maturity required for the adequate utilization of intellectual abilities, the exercise of sound judgment, and the timely completion of responsibilities in the class. Further, students must be able to maintain mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with students, faculty, staff, and other professionals while engaging in the class and within the Department of History. Students must have the emotional stability to function effectively in the classroom.
Students must be able and willing to examine and change behaviors when they interfere with productive individual or team relationships.
Problematic behavior documented: Problematic behavior will be documented by the Department and if deemed appropriate forwarded on to Community Standards and Student Conduct. If a pattern of behavior or a single, serious lapse in the behavioral expectations becomes evident, the steps below will be followed so that the student is apprised of a warning indicating that the student’s continuation in the class and/or major is in jeopardy. The student’s instructor and/or appropriate program advisor or teaching assistant will document, either verbally or in writing, the concerning behavior and notify the student that they are receiving a warning. Notification of the warning will be forwarded on to the Chair of the Department and Student Conduct and Community Standards via email or in hard copy. The warning identifies what the concerning behavior was and that any further disruptions or concerning incidents will result in the
student being asked to leave the class. When incidents occur that represent a significant impact to the program or its participants, students may be asked to leave immediately without prior warning.

Safety and Evacuation
Evacuation routes are posted throughout the building. In case of a fire, please evacuate and go to the evacuation assembly point, locations of which are posted on building walls. In case of a power outage or earthquake, please stay where you are and, for the latter, protect your head and neck. Students with disabilities which could impair evacuation should notify the instructor early in the quarter so accommodations can be made.
Concerns about a course, an instructor, or a teaching assistant
If you have any concerns about the course or the instructor in charge of the course, please see the instructor about these concerns as soon as possible. If you are not comfortable talking with the instructor or not satisfied with the response that you receive, contact the Department of History’s Director of Academic Services, Tracy Maschman Morrissey, in Smith 315A.  If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive from Tracy, make an appointment with the Assistant to the Chair in Smith 308B to speak with the Chair.
If you have any concerns about the teaching assistant, please see them about these concerns as soon as possible. If you are not comfortable talking with the teaching assistant or not satisfied with the response that you receive, contact the instructor in charge of the course. If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive, you may follow the procedure previously outlined, or contact the Graduate School in G-1 Communications.

Rev. March 2024


Class Schedule: Dates of Instruction March 25-May 29; Final Exam Monday June 3


Week 1: March 25 – March 29   1500-1763


  • For the Common Defense (FCD) ch. 1 & 2 (pp.1-43).
  • Andrew Bacevich, “The Revisionist Imperative: Rethinking Twentieth Century Wars,” The Journal of American Military History 76 (April 2012): 333-342. pdf on Canvas

Mon Mar 25  - Introductions & the Syllabus

                         Lecture 1:U.S. History & the U.S. Military

Wed Mar 27 - Lecture 2: North American Encounters



Week 2: Apr 1 – 5 1763-1848


  • For the Common Defense chapters 3-5, but the following sections are optional: “The War of 1812” (pp. 95-107) and “The Mexican War 1846-1848,” (pp.128-141).
  • Olivia Williams Black, “The 150-Year War: The Struggle to Create and Control Civil War Memory at Fort Sumter National Monument,” The Public Historian Vol. 38 No. 4 (Nov. 2016): 149-166.
  • H.E. Gulley, “Women and the Lost Cause: Preserving a Confederate Identity in the American Deep South,” Journal of Historical Geography Vol. 19 No. 2, (1993): 125-141.

Mon Apr 1 - Lecture 3: The Colonial Wars and the New Nation

Wed Apr 3 - Lecture 4: National Expansion and Manifest Destiny



Week 3: Apr 8 – 12 1848-1863


  • For the Common Defense, ch. 6, (pp.142-180).
  • Hague and Sebesta, “The Jefferson Davis Highway: Contesting the Confederacy in the Pacific Northwest,” Journal of American Studies, Vol. 45 No. 2, (2011): 281-301.
  • Patrick J. Kelly, “The Election of 1896 and the Restructuring of Civil War Memory,” Civil War History Vol. 49 No. 3 (2003): 254-280.

Mon Apr 8 - Lecture 5: The Civil War’s Causes and Beginnings

Wed Apr 10 -  Lecture 6: 1862-1863: Confederates in Control

Fri Apr 12 - Quiz #1 on Canvas 5AM-10PM



Week 4: Apr 15 – 19 1863-1890


  • For the Common Defense (FCD) chs. 7 & 8 (pp.181-251)

Mon Apr15 - Lecture 7: The Civil War: A War of Attrition and “A New Birth of Freedom”

Wed Apr 17 - Lecture 8: Western Wars with Native People

Sun Apr 21  - ESSAY #1 DUE at 11:59PM on Canvas



Week 5: Apr 22 – 26 1898-1919


  • For the Common Defense chs. 10 & 11 (pp. 282-338)
  • Edward T. Linenthal: “Anatomy of a Controversy”
  • WATCH: American Experience: “Last Stand at Little Big Horn” DUE Wed Apr 24 by class time

Mon Apr 22 - Lecture 9: Overseas Imperialism: Cuba and The Philippines

Wed Apr 24 - Lecture 10: From Isolationism to Internationalism



Week 6: April 29 – May 3      1920-1941


  • For the Common Defense chs. 12 & 13 (pp. 339-403)
  • John Dower, “Three Narratives of Our Humanity.”

Mon Apr 29 - Lecture 11: The Interwar Period and the Rise of Fascism

Wed May 1 - Lecture 12: 1938-1942 - Why We Go to War

Fri May 3 - Quiz #2 on Canvas 5AM-10PM



Week 7: May 6 – 10   1942-1953


  • For the Common Defense chs. 14 & 15 (pp. 404-474)
  • Paul Boyer, “Whose History is it Anyway?” and Marilyn Young, “Dangerous History: Vietnam and the ‘Good War.’”

Mon May 6 - Lecture 13: 1943-1944 - A War on Two Fronts

Wed May 8 - Lecture 14: Last Shots, First Shots



Week 8: May 13 – 17   1953-1967


  • Tim O’Brien, If I Die in A Combat Zone… chs. 1-10 (pp. 1-100)
  • For the Common Defense (FCD) chs. 16 & 17, (pp. 475-536; the sections “The New Look” and “Reorganization and Allies” pp. 478-496 are optional)

Mon May 13 - Lecture 15: Nuclear Deterrence & Covert Actions

Wed May 15 - Lecture 16: Vietnam - In Country



Week 9: May 20 – 24 1967-1993


  • Tim O’Brien, If I Die in A Combat Zone… chs. 10-the end (pp. 101-212)
  • For the Common Defense (FCD) ch. 18 (pp. 537-568)

Mon May 20 - Lecture 17: Vietnam - Out of the Quagmire

Wed May 22 - Lecture 18: The Specter of Vietnam

Fri May 24 - Quiz #3 On Canvas 5AM - 10PM



Week 10: May 27 - May 31 1993-2001


  • For the Common Defense (FCD) ch. 20; chapter 19 is optional
  • Vietnam War documents on Canvas

Mon May 27       *****NO CLASS - MEMORIAL DAY*****

Tues May 28 - Essay #2 Due on Canvas by 11:59PM

Wed May 29 - Lecture 15: End of the Cold War and the War on Terror

Closing Remarks


Mon June 3 - Final Exam 5AM - 10PM on Canvas.

Catalog Description:
Development of American military policies, organizational patterns, tactics, and weaponry, from beginnings as a seventeenth-century frontier defense force to the global conflicts and military commitments of the twentieth century. Interaction and tension between need for an effective military force and concept of civilian control of that force. Course equivalent to: T HIST 212.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Last updated:
March 11, 2025 - 10:58 pm